You have one or more errors in your template page!
You do not have {title} defined in your header
You do not have {headscript} defined in your header
You do not have {script} defined in your header
You do not have {nav} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {stats} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {petition} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {motd} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {mail} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {paypal} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {source} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {version} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {copyright} defined in either your header or footer
You do not have {copyright} defined in either your header or footer
PHP Warning: "Illegal string offset 'header'"
in /home/fof/public_html/lib/pageparts.php at 58.
Call Stack:
2: page_header("LoGD Net") called from /home/fof/public_html/logdnet.php on line 191
Below are a list of other LoGD servers that have registered with the LoGD Net.
It should be noted that this list is subject to editing and culling by the administrators of Normally this list is a comprehensive list of all servers that have elected to register with LoGDnet, but I'm making changes to that. Because this list is a free service provided by, we reserve the right to remove those who we don't want in the list.
Reasons we might remove a server:
• Altering our copyright statement outside of the provisions we have provided within the code,
• Removing our PayPal link,
• Providing deceptive, inappropriate, or false information in the server listing,
• Not linking back to LoGDnet
Or really, any other reason that we want.
If you've been banned already, chances are you know why, and chances are we've got no interest in removing the ban. We provide this free of charge, at the expense of considerable bandwidth and server load, so if you've had the gall to abuse our charity, don't expect it to be won back very easily.

If you are well behaved, we don't have an interest in blocking you from this listing.

Server Version
MightyE's CLASSIC Server -- 1.0.6+classic
The Complex - Gothic World 1.1.1 Dragonprime Edition
Pantheon - Multiversum RP (Mittelalter, Neuzeit, Sci-Fi, Wild West) Pantheon_Suite 2.0
Venar - ein klassischer Mittelalter Fantasy Server basierend auf der DS 0.9.7(Dragonslayer Edition V/3.5)
Calithos: eine freie Stadt vollbepackt mit allerlei Voelkern! 0.9.7(DS 3.5 - Calithos Edition 1.4.1) Tons of Addons, 150 gold/topic you make on forum 1.1.0 Dragonprime Edition
Sheratan - Deutscher Neuzeit-Server ab 18. Seit über 15 Jahren aktiv. 1.0.10 Sheratan (German)
Soul of the Black Dragon - Aktive Community und stete Neuerungen. Alles 0.9.7 (SotBD - Version)
Mondhain - Ein moderner Server fuer RP'ler von RP'lern! 0.9.7(Dragonslayer Edition V/3.5)
``rReiner RP-Server, basierend auf den Harry Potter Romanen 0.9.7+jt ext (GER)
** Storm Valley ** Where Dragons Roam ** 1.1.1 Dragonprime Edition
Mondschatten Tal, tauche ein in eine Welt voller Fantasie! 0.9.7+jt ext (GER) + Avatarbase Edition
Einer der ältesten deutschen LogD Server mit unzähligen einzigartigen Erwei 0.9.7+jt ext (GER) Plüschdrachen Edition
Jeder ist Willkommen, Levler? Rollenspieler? Fuer jeden etwas dabei!! 0.9.7+jt ext (GER) + Kokoto Version-
Die Stadt Arda, etwas unkonventionell, aber lustig. 0.9.7+jt ext (GER)
Klassischer LoGD-Server zum Testen der Version 5. 0.9.7+jt DE v5
Einer der ältesten deutschen Server. Schau mal rein. 1.1.2 Dragonprime Edition
PHP Warning: "Illegal string offset 'footer'"
in /home/fof/public_html/lib/pageparts.php at 89.
Call Stack:
2: page_footer() called from /home/fof/public_html/logdnet.php on line 261
Warning: The navitem template part was not found!
PHP Warning: "Illegal string offset 'navitem'"
/home/fof/public_html/lib/template.php at 10.
Call Stack:
2: templatereplace("navitem", Array(
"text"=>"<span class='navhi'>L</sp...", "link"=>"index.php?c=1-133451", "accesskey"=>" accesskey="L" ", "popup"=>""
 called from /home/fof/public_html/lib/output.php on line 884
3: private_addnav("Login page", "index.php", false) called from on line
4: call_user_func_array("private_addnav", Array(
0=>"Login page", 1=>"index.php", "translate"=>false
 called from /home/fof/public_html/lib/output.php on line 686
5: buildnavs() called from /home/fof/public_html/lib/pageparts.php on line 118
6: page_footer() called from /home/fof/public_html/logdnet.php on line 261
Warning: the text piece was not found in the navitem template part! ()
Warning: the link piece was not found in the navitem template part! (<span class='navhi'>L</span>ogin page)
Warning: the accesskey piece was not found in the navitem template part! (<span class='navhi'>L</span>ogin pageindex.php?c=1-133451)
Warning: the popup piece was not found in the navitem template part! (<span class='navhi'>L</span>ogin pageindex.php?c=1-133451 accesskey="L" )